No, not because I live in the Valley, but because today I celebrate by 5th day on this here earth. And so far, it’s pretty darn amazing. A guy can get use to this eating, sleeping, pooping thing. Call me lazy, but being wiped is underrated.
Here’s a breakdown of the last five days:
Thursday, November 18, 2010:
I arrived in the morning weighing 7 pounds and 14 oz. I was measured at 21 inches. Then, I spent some much needed quality time with my birthparents, Carissa and Jayson. The hospital I was born at doesn’t have a nursery (imagine that), so I kept by birthparents up all night long — but they didn’t mind. I overheard them saying how cute I was.
Friday, November 19, 2010:
Today I had some visitors. All really nice people, but I gotta say, it’s a bit embarrassing having so many people handle my poo. I’m shy like that.
Saturday, November 20, 2010:
Today I met my two Dads, Dave and Alex. Dada Dave can use a haircut, but other than that --- they are good people. And they clearly love me. How do I know? Cause they won’t stop saying it.
Big shout out to my birth grandpop who took the highly coveted night shift with me. Nobody does diaper duty like you, Pops.
Sunday, November 20, 2010:
Today is the day I went home with my two Dads to our house in Studio City, CA. Papa Alex drives like a grandmother (but it makes sense considering the important cargo in the backseat).
I like my new house... it’s a bit larger than my mom’s womb… but not quite as warm. My bedroom is green, brown and yellow. The colors of my bathroom business (just kidding). Yellow is my birthmom’s favorite color and so I asked for that specifically.
Monday, November 21, 2010:
Holy Moley… what a day. First off, I just wanted to thank my Dads for staying up with me last night. And let it be known, of all the ways you tried to get me to sleep, watching the Three’s Company marathon was my favorite. Can’t get enough of that Mr. Furley. What a character.
I had my first appointment with my new pediatrician. And she was very gentle with me. She said I looked like a little doll. I told her that my birthmother collects dolls. Overall, she gave me a clean bill of health and told my Dads to up my feeding amounts. A boy’s gotta eat!
This evening, we had some visitors. I met my aunt Tash, Papa Alex’s sister who sounds just like Mary Poppins and looks just like Kate Beckinsale. She’s a natural with me because she’s got two kiddies of her own. I also got to meet my new grandparents John and Linda. They look just like Papa Alex. But their British accents are way more impressive.
Also, quick thank you to everyone who’s been washing their hands with Purell. The stuff smells great. (My Dads made me say that — they're hoping to get some free samples from plugging the product.)
Dada Dave had the first night shift from 9:30pm to 1:30am and then Papa Alex jumped in from 1:30am to 5:00am.
Tuesday, November 22, 2010:
This morning I went back to see my pediatrician and guess what —the extra feeding worked! I gained a few oz. I’m just one or two burps away from my goal birth weight.
Love Maxwell