“Do you have any extravagant travel plans for the holidays.”
Yeah, we’re going to jet to St. Barths with a five-week old.
“Try to get a good night’s rest.”
Oh, okay. We'll just pray to baby Jesus.
“Sleep when Maxwell sleeps.”
Sure, because we have nothing else to do at 3pm.
“Have you tried a pacifier?”
What do you think?
“Does Maxwell have a car seat?”
No, he sits in the trunk.
“Have you tried burping him?”
Burping? Never heard of it.
“You guys look well-rested.”
“He’s got Alex’s eyes.”
Sure he does. And Dave's hair.
“Maybe he’s just hungry.”
Hmm, never thought of that.
“Maybe he’s just tired.”
He just slept 16 hours.
“Is he talking yet?”
Yes, his first words were “stupid question.”
“Have you tried to ferberize him yet?”
He’s five-weeks old. I feel sorry for your kids.
“Has he picked up any of your character traits?"
Yeah, just like his Dads, he has an aversion to stupid questions.
Love Maxwell