Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hoffman, De Niro, Pacino and… Maxwell.

A great character actor can express many different emotions. That said, here goes:

Love Maxwell

"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me?"

"Am I here to amuse you?" 
"You can't handle the truth!" 
"Hoooah!" I just pooped in the bath. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Maxwell VS Zachary -- who's got it better?

Okay, Zach's Dads have way more money and a much bigger house, but my dads don't wear Toupees (and they're not in their sixties).

Max for the win!

Love Maxwell

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I wish my Papa Alex the best birthday ever!

How can it not be when he gets to come home to this cute face?

I love you, Papa. Thanks for being patient, kind, gentle, funny and one of the two best dads in the world.

Love Maxwell

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'd much rather be relaxing at home listening to the Spa Channel on SIRIUS Satellite Radio...

...than at my two month doctor visit. But here I am.  Oh, the injustice!

That said, I did gain some weight and grew even taller. I'm at 11.11 lbs and 23 inches.

I also got some immunization shots. Not a fan.

Love Maxwell

Friday, January 14, 2011

Watch out!!!

I'm patrolling the mean streets of Studio City.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Love Maxwell

Monday, January 10, 2011

Even an adorable little girl can’t keep Maxwell awake...

Over the weekend, I got to meet my new friend Tali. Her parents, Matt and Greta, are really good friends with my Dads. Tali is super cool… and has the cutest smile. But as soon as we met, I fell fast asleep. I think it was all that Disney Princess talk. BORING. 

Love Maxwell

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things that go bump in the night...

Last night when I was sleeping, I was awakened by a loud noise and a strange smell. Then, I overheard my Dads' conversation. Here's what they said: "Was that you?" Long pause. "No, it was Maxwell." Can you believe it? A poor, innocent baby was blamed. I know exactly who the culprit was too. But I'm too much of a gentlemen to rat him out. Lets just say his name rhymes with Kalex.

Love Maxwell

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dumb things people have said to my Dads (and their responses):

Do you have any extravagant travel plans for the holidays.” 
 Yeah, we’re going to jet to St. Barths with a five-week old.

“Try to get a good night’s rest.”
 Oh, okay. We'll just pray to baby Jesus. 

“Sleep when Maxwell sleeps.” 
 Sure, because we have nothing else to do at 3pm.

“Have you tried a pacifier?”
 What do you think?

“Does Maxwell have a car seat?”
 No, he sits in the trunk.

“Have you tried burping him?” 
 Burping? Never heard of it.

“You guys look well-rested.”

“He’s got Alex’s eyes.” 
 Sure he does. And Dave's hair.

“Maybe he’s just hungry.”
 Hmm, never thought of that.

“Maybe he’s just tired.”
 He just slept 16 hours.

“Is he talking yet?”
 Yes, his first words were “stupid question.”

“Have you tried to ferberize him yet?”  
 He’s five-weeks old. I feel sorry for your kids.

“Has he picked up any of your character traits?" 
 Yeah, just like his Dads, he has an aversion to stupid questions.

Love Maxwell

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Maxwell's New Year Resolution...

In 2011, I will try not to derive pleasure in being the cutest baby in the room. 

Love Maxwell