Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011. Before and After.

Pre-dinner: "I've given thanks. I'm hungry. I'm clean. Now let's get this party started."
Mid-dinner:  "I've run out of food to play with. More cornbread please!"
Post-dinner:  "No. More. Food." 
Love Maxwell

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Maxwell: A Year In Review.

With my one-year birthday under my Mickey Mouse belt, it’s a good time to recap where I am in my life:

Favorite Food:
Pancakes, turkey, peas and pears.

Favorite Toy:
Cars. Any car will do. But I gravitate towards yellow ones. I also like my wagon. 

Most Common Word:
Gaga.  It means Dada.

Favorite Song:
Little Baby Dolly (don’t ask). 

Favorite Book:
Sense and Sensibility. Kidding. Duh — I’m not old enough to read yet. But I do like when my Dads attempt to read to me (I usually just pull down the book and try to eat it).

Favorite Show:
It’s a tie between Mickey’s Club House and Yo Gabba Gabba. Alright fine, it’s actually The Golden Girls.

My Favorite Thing To Do:
Play on my Dad's bed. Swing at the playground. Get tickled. Drive around in my mini-car.

My Least Favorite Thing To Do:
Sleep (sorry, Dads)

What Makes Me Laugh:
Peek-a-boo. Being ticked. Being massaged. Being snuck up on.  Taking a bath.

What Makes Me Cry:
Teething. Being over-tired. Waking up in my crib and finding my pacifier on the floor outside the crib. Wanting to get out of my high-chair. Having a “toy” (remote control) taken away from me. 

Thing I’m Obsessed With That Annoy my Dads:
My Diaper Genie (I like to open in and play with all the soiled diapers. Good times).

Can’t wait to see what’s in store for year number two. 

Love Maxwell

Monday, November 21, 2011

Alas — the Birthday Video has arrived!

This amazing wrap-up video of my 1st Birthday is brought to you by the talented, creative, all-around nice guy known as Harold (Dada's friend from work).  

Love Maxwell

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This weekend I partied like it was 1999!

Wow. I am pooped. And not just because I just pooped — I had a non-stop, fun-filled birthday weekend that involved lots of family, lots of friends, lots of gifts and as I overheard my Dads saying "lots of money."

It all started Friday night when Muga and Papsi (Linda and John) brought over cupcakes to celebrate my actual birthday. My Dads were hoping for that obligatory photo of a cute kid with blue icing smeared all over his face on his first birthday. Well, I don't play that game. I'm must more dignified and prefer to stay clean (as the video and photos below demonstrate). 

And I must send a huge shout-out to Muga and Papsi for not just bringing cupcakes, but also an awesome baby playground for the front yard. 

I liked it a lot more than my Papa who had to put it together. He kept yelling out certain words I didn't understand. But there's a jar in the kitchen that says "swear jar" and it's filled up. Whatever that means.  Other shout-outs include Dada's parents (Mommom Brenda and Poppop Jules) who sent me a dancing and singing Mickey doll that teaches me how to move my hips. Also, a very special homemade gift from Mommom Helene and Poppy Bill, who knitted me an incredible blankie. I take it everywhere... even the bath. Don't ask.
It just got better from there. Saturday morning I woke up with a lot of anticipation for the day's festivities. My Dads threw me an awesome "Mickey Mouse" themed birthday party in the park with all my best friends.

Look! Me and Dada are wearing the same sweater. Coincidence? Nope.
I got to see my cousins and lots of other people I don't really know, which lead to some photos of me being very shy (like this one).

It was a great party, especially when aunt Tash and uncle Drew showed up with the coolest present ever. My own convertible. Now the neighborhood girls will definitely notice me at red lights. Check it out.
I am really tired now. So instead of going on and on... enjoy some of these photos.
Love Maxwell 

P.S. Extra special shout-out to my Dada's friend Harold, who helped create my unforgettable, totally creative Mickey Mouse Birthday Poster. You rock, bud!  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

First video of my first steps...

Check me out taking a few steps towards my Dada this morning. Yesterday I took my first steps and now I can't stop. I'm like a walking machine. A natural. A real pro. The Meryl Streep of walking. Check it out.

Love Maxwell

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Both my Daddies were there to witness my first steps this morning. Details and hopefully video to come soon.

Love Maxwell

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick-or-sleep. It's my first Halloween.

"This is the only time I smiled inside this sweaty, furry, uncomfortable Monkey mess!"
"Take a good look, cause you'll never see me in this again!"
"Okay, admit it — I look damn cute here."
"My Dads took me trick-or-treating in a fancy neighborhood where I got full size candy bars (sadly they ate them all)."

"What's in my diaper is even scarier." 

"Haunted House, my ass. I'm ready to go to sleep!"

"Look, he's on the grass and on my sweater. At least I think it's a he."

Love Maxwell