Monday, July 25, 2011

Is it really the thought that counts?

Okay, since my Dads are too polite to say this, I’m going to do it for them. While I’m s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o appreciative of all the amazing, generous gifts my Dads’ friends and family have given me, I just have one request:

The overtly baby-themed clothes have to go.             

Sorry for being so blunt — but I’m the one who has to wear this stuff. And I want to feel confident when I go to the park. So please, for the love of GOD, no more zoo animal/cartoon character/alphabet or teddy bear-themed baby clothes. I’m a big boy now  and big boys don’t wear shirts that have phrases on them, like “Safari animals love to hug.” No they don’t. Have you ever seen a Lion hug an Elephant? Let’s be real.


I’m a boy, not a Hallmark card. 

Love Maxwell

P.S. Anything with Monkeys and guitars is allowed. 'Cause, well, they’re just cool. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Yep, I crawled today.

July 15 2011. Mark this day in history. For today I crawled for the very first time. Luckily my Dada and Rosie were there to capture it on tape. Nothing keeps me from an iPhone!

Love Maxwell

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My weekend of FIRSTS.

Now that I'm almost eight months old, my Dads keep expecting me to impress their friends with all the new tricks I'm learning to do. Such showoffs. "Laugh." "Roll over." "Crawl." I should start charging admission. Anyway, so far this weekend, I've managed to stand up on my own (with the help of a fish-shaped foam seat). I've also expanded my palate, as I now enjoy eating apple/cinnamon rice puffs. They melt in my mouth so I don't really need many teeth (although, I've already got two big ones).

Today my Dads are taking me to a film festival party — maybe I'll get discovered. Fingers crossed.

Love Maxwell

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to the beach...

Okay, so I'm just going to say it. Having grandparents with a beach house is kick-ass!  I got to hang out on the beach the whole July 4th weekend, which helped me forget all about my teething issues (don't even get me started). And aside from being slobbered with sunscreen every ten seconds (chill out, Dads), it was the best weekend ever.

Take a look at the video below. It's my first time in the ocean.

It's a bird, it's a plane. It's superMax.
Backwards caps. Check. 
Love Maxwell