Monday, July 25, 2011

Is it really the thought that counts?

Okay, since my Dads are too polite to say this, I’m going to do it for them. While I’m s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o appreciative of all the amazing, generous gifts my Dads’ friends and family have given me, I just have one request:

The overtly baby-themed clothes have to go.             

Sorry for being so blunt — but I’m the one who has to wear this stuff. And I want to feel confident when I go to the park. So please, for the love of GOD, no more zoo animal/cartoon character/alphabet or teddy bear-themed baby clothes. I’m a big boy now  and big boys don’t wear shirts that have phrases on them, like “Safari animals love to hug.” No they don’t. Have you ever seen a Lion hug an Elephant? Let’s be real.


I’m a boy, not a Hallmark card. 

Love Maxwell

P.S. Anything with Monkeys and guitars is allowed. 'Cause, well, they’re just cool. 

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