Monday, October 24, 2011


"Blue eyes... my baby's got blue eyes..."

That's all.

Love Maxwell

"I got my first real six-string."

Okay, maybe it's not real. It's just a pillow. But I know I've got the song "Summer of 69" stuck in your head. Ah, the sixties. Those were the days. At least that's what my grandparents tell me.


P.S. Where is Bryan Adams these days? Celebrity rehab?

Malibu Max.

Can I just say how much I dig hanging out with my Dads. They take me to the coolest places. Yesterday, we took a ride to the Malibu Country Mart by the beach. My good buddy, Colin and his Dada Chad joined us. Colin is the best friend a kid can ask for. That said — he was showing off a little bit on the swings (so he can go higher than me — big deal).

Here's a video of me swinging so hard my left sock fell off. Try that, Colin!  

Before we left, my Dads made me try on this silly hat. The things they make me do for this blog... Oy.

And if hitting Malibu wasn't enough, we also stopped by The Grove back in LA. They had an awesome water show. As you can see, I was pretty engaged. 

I wonder what my Dads are planning next weekend. 'Cause this one will be a tough act to follow.

Love Maxwell

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Somebody get me a U-Haul!

Hmmm, I wonder how much money I can make moving furniture for people? Perhaps enough to buy a new Mickey Mouse toy?

Love Maxwell, the moving man.

It's official — I'm a beach bum!

This past weekend my Dads took me to Muga and Papsi's house at the beach.  And I gotta say, I'm really starting to like it there. It's very relaxing and there're lots of things to keep me entertained.  There's an awesome playground with a padded ground (in case I fall on my bum). Plus, I'm slowly getting into sand. My Dads are always freaking out about me eating it, but I keep telling them "I have to eat the sand to learn better — so relax!"  Though, it sounded more like "ga-ahhh-baba-mmmmmm."  But they knew what I was trying to say. They're good that way.

Other highlights included a stop at the crab shack where I snacked on fish and chips, and extra-long bath time in Muga's claw-foot tub.

Special shout out to Muga who made my Dads a delicious dinner. I got to taste the leftovers the next day; she's no Wolfgang Puck, but it was pretty tasty.  

Love Maxwell

Monday, October 10, 2011

File this under "Obligatory First Halloween Photos."

This weekend I went to my first pumpkin patch with my Dads and Muga and Papsi. We picked out a pumpkin, played with smelly animals and rode the hay ride.  Between you and me, the whole thing was a bit too "hillbilly" for my taste, but at least we got some cute pictures.

And this is the closest my Dads will ever come to wearing overalls and standing on a field. 

Love Maxwell

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Maxwell's First Tattoo!

Chill-lax ya'll — I'm just kidding. It's just face paint. I had it done at my cousin Maisie's birthday party.

Love Maxwell

P.S. Right after the photos were taken, my Dads washed it off. So much for wiping it all over their white furniture...