Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's official — I'm a beach bum!

This past weekend my Dads took me to Muga and Papsi's house at the beach.  And I gotta say, I'm really starting to like it there. It's very relaxing and there're lots of things to keep me entertained.  There's an awesome playground with a padded ground (in case I fall on my bum). Plus, I'm slowly getting into sand. My Dads are always freaking out about me eating it, but I keep telling them "I have to eat the sand to learn better — so relax!"  Though, it sounded more like "ga-ahhh-baba-mmmmmm."  But they knew what I was trying to say. They're good that way.

Other highlights included a stop at the crab shack where I snacked on fish and chips, and extra-long bath time in Muga's claw-foot tub.

Special shout out to Muga who made my Dads a delicious dinner. I got to taste the leftovers the next day; she's no Wolfgang Puck, but it was pretty tasty.  

Love Maxwell

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